The 3 Reasons why Google Pixel is not an iPhone killer

google pixel phone


Here it is, the best phone you could Imagine! The new iPhone killer! Finally, a Google android phone that is better than the iPhone! These are just some review titles of the new Google phone. Google presented us their new flagship device a few days ago, and not just one, but two twin flagship devices.

They are practically the same, the only difference is to come with the screen size. And the same hype goes over again, the best one to come out yet, King of the android world. Yes, it is excellent, the specs are fabulous, everything is great,but we think it is not worthy of all the hype.

And here are top 3 reasons:

Pixel price is ridiculously high

The formula should go something like this: brand name + reputation of the company = high cost of products. When a product has all of this, it is okay to put a high price tag on it, it is a market paradox,and it is common for companies hold on that. Pixel is a new brand, and its price is much higher than the prices of other years old brands. For example, the price of Pixel in Germany is over 1000 €, the same price goes around for a new iPhone, but the iPhone is trusted brand, a brand that people buy just to show it around, and it is on the market for years.

Pixel is not offering anything new on the market

Okay, let’s forget about the price. It is high, but if it can offer something new, something revolutionary, it may actually justify the high price tag. Well in Pixel case this is not true. Actually, this is the case with every android flagship device that came out this year. For example, if you look up for the specs of every actual high-end Android smartphone, you will notice that their chipsets perfomance is practically same. A little bit of tweaking on the CPU or GPU here and there, but it is the same thing again. The same thing goes for the new iPhone, which is not revolutionary or anything like that, although you need to remember that the first iPhone was something unreal when it came out. First easy to use smartphone operating system, the first smartphone with real capacitive touch-screen, and much more, it was a real mini-revolution on the way for iPhone and smartphone world  from that point.

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Pixel does not have a loyal base of users

One of the secrets for the success of Apple is that they have loyal buyers. True iPhone fans will never switch sides, because for them smartphone is a phone, that is easy to use, easy to navigate on, and a finger touch away from every option in the phone. Apple’s i-OS has been making them happy for years now and there is no need for them to experiment with something new. While for Pixel on Android (and Android is a true mini -PC)  is hard to build the base because there is so much other Android smartphone manufactures, and Google Pixel is not  much distinguishing itself from any other high-end device of the year.

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