Hangouts vs WhatsApp vs Facebook Messenger

Hangouts WhatsApp Facebook Messenger

The tech world seems to go through lot of trends and each trend appears to bring with it something amazing and highly useful for the users. Each age of technology has helped us in leading improved lives, be it the age of computers, the era of smartphones or the internet age. For internet, which began its journey as a medium to get information, in the present times has become much more than this as the term online market is here to stay. Then there is social media which has created new waves of sharing and communication. There is no dearth of social media apps and users today have lot of options to choose from. But the most popular ones continue to amaze us and we will be looking into three major apps namely Hangouts versus WhatsApp versus Facebook Messenger.

Google Hangouts is a great option when it comes to text or for video chat. Features like group chat, voice call and video call are there in Hangouts. This cross-platform app could also be used for broadcasts also. As far as video call is concerned, with Hangouts, it could be done with up to ten friends. Photos could be shared and you can have fun while making conversation through emoji. Messages could be sent to your friends also when there are not connected and this app is available on Android as well as in iOS.

WhatsApp has become synonymous with mobile communication and this amazing app is a cross-platform app and allows exchanging messages for free. This app which is available on platforms like Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Symbian and BlackBerry allows to create groups and sending of audio as well as video messages. Data could be sent either through mobile data or through Wi-Fi using WhatsApp.

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Facebook Messenger is the messaging app which could be used for messaging to not only those who are your Facebook friends but also to those who in your contacts list. Group chat, sending of photos as well as videos, and as you use other apps you could have the conversation going with chat heads are some of the features of this app.  Another feature of this app is recording of voice messaging. You can get know when the messages of yours are seen by those who you have sent the messages with Facebook Messenger. To all those who were not a part of conversation, messages or photos could be forwarded and you can also use stickers which are there in this app.

Where WhatsApp offers a fantastic medium to create groups and sending of audio as well as video messages it does not support voice call or video calls like Hangouts. Also as in Facebook Messenger you can message to not only those who are your Facebook friends but also to those who in your contacts list, with WhatsApp messages cannot be sent or received from those who are not users of WhatsApp. On computers, Hangouts will work but presently WhatsApp cannot be used on a computer. As you use other apps you could have the conversation going with chat heads, which is one of the best features of Facebook messenger. Facebook messenger thus could be easily used to chat with Facebook friends or anybody who is there in your contacts list, while WhatsApp offers excellent medium for chatting by making use of the telephone number of yours.

Thus all these three are brilliant sharing and communication apps and have some common features while differ to each other in some ways.

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