What you need to know about ‘Stagefright’ Exploit

android attack

A scary debate about malware infection via the web has been going on the internet. Many Android users have expressed concerns about the presumed vulnerability to malware attack they are facing. Rumors have been going around that a malware could be embedded in a video that’s then sent to you as MMS text. This video could be expounded even without your interference. Many Android users have been convinced that every Android phone is vulnerable to malware threats.

Google has therefore addressed Stage Fright precisely that 90% of the current Android devices have an anti-malware technology called ASLR enabled. This technology is presumed to protect users from this menace. According to Ludwig an Android engineer, all devices running Android 4.0 or higher has security against a buffer overflow spasm built in. ASLR is a technique that keeps an invader from accessing the function he wants to expound by the random organization of memory address spaces of a process.

The address layout randomization app has always been in default mode ever since its design. It, therefore, means that the crucial areas of the service that’s running aren’t positioned in the same location with the RAM at all times. But randomization of things in the memory means that an attacker will have to make guesses about where to look for information they target. Ideally, this is not a long lasting solution but a general security mechanism is useful.

Exploitation of this challenge was announced on July by the security firm zimperium in lieu of annual financial accounts.  It’s not clear how the malware is transferred, but the good thing is to avoid messing up with it as it’s a dangerous exploit. Such exploitations reflect difficulties in getting updates. However, for its place; Google has a multiple approach underway to protect users. Some patches have been produced and delivered in the market to counter the threat. As a matter of fact, this exploitation is urgent and ought to be fixed in urgency no matter what. In respect to this, many software’s producers.

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Many people had aligned to the mistaken assumption that any software can be converted to a security threat. This is untrue as many programs are in exploitable. Similarly, Android has done a lot to enhance its security against the exploits. This should be global war as it cut across the globe; every stakeholder in the computing technology should combine ideologies and come up with a lasting fix.

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