Now Facebook Messenger supports Group Payments for all

facebook group payments

Facebook introduces the person to person payments in the Messenger App in the year 2015, but they announced it today to support groups. It works both in group chat and private ones, you can pay either 1 member of the group or everyone in the group through a click on the Dollar sign.

You can click on the payment icon, but for doing this you can click first on the Plus sign at the bottom side of the group conversation. This is so helpful for the groups that want to decide to gift a present to their friend or want to split the restaurant bill. In addition, you can request payments from the group members within your chat.

For doing this you can enter the amount that can be paid by per person or the total amount of money, that later be divided by the members of the group. You can also include yourself in the calculation or not. Or you can add a note for the reason why are you collecting the money, example a party gift or a donation, then you can press the request button to send it throughout the group.

Then a message will appear in the group chat showing who paid the amount, and you can see those details in full screen too. It is free to use and doesn’t require a password.

This can be used in other areas like e-Commerce or Gaming purchases later. Facebook said there is no ambition in building a payment business, they only want to make Facebook messenger more useful. This feature makes more competition for the other messenger applications. Payment feature is an important feature for today’s messaging applications. Snapchat and China’s WeChat has already in-app payments and Kik also decides to have in-app payment feature on its own app too in later this month.

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To add payment feature in messenger also rumored in the market that they are preparing to launch a digital payment system or business in India within their other messaging apps, WhatsApp. This payment feature is now live in the US from today, in starting this is only available on android and desktop.

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