New Google Play Store Update on Android devices

google play store updated

What are the developments that Google play store can boast of recently? Well, I guess it has something new for those who have Android devices with them! The new message Google play carry with it is the change of its look. The implication will be felt on Android devices. There is a prospect that the new look of the Google Play Store has started to make its way across the Android universe. One may want to know the new features incorporated in this new look of the Google Play Store, formerly Android Market ( market://details?goToHome=1 ).

There are two tabs that will be implicated by this updated Google Play Store, that is, “Apps & Games” tab and the “Entertainment” tab. There are now two large tabs separate apps into “Apps & Games” and “Entertainment.” What are the divisions of the “Apps & Games” tab? The “Apps & Games” tab is sub-divided into top charts, games, categories, family and editors’ choice. On the other hand, the “Entertainment” tab has Movies & TV, Music, Books, and Newsstand.

Some questions that may start popping in the mind of the Android devices users are how they can be able to access this updated version as soon as possible. It is unfortunate that while the update has started to roll-out, not everyone in their device has this updated version. All you need is to be patient to see this update in your Android-powered phone or tablet. You can be sure that this update will eventually hit your handset or slate within no time.

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Google play Store version

At the moment, all we can provide is some screenshots that can act as a reflection of the real thing. Through these screenshots, you can peruse to have the view of the recent version of Google play Store. This is a good time to create in your mind the kind of look you want to see in this updated version of Google Play Store.  Have started imagining how this may look? It should be clear that it will be the best kind of outlook you want to experience. Now go ahead and start having an imagination of the whole outlook but the reality stands, actually a different look is there for you. The new design will be impressive to look at and to use. I can assure you that Google Play Store has something great for you ( old url market //details?goToHome 1 , new url

Updated: More news about play story apps download and google play services at android market.

Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff at is a team of WordPress Marketing Experts led by Mary Anne. Page maintained by Mary Anne.

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1 Comment

  1. Good jobs guys! Google play store is top!

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