Nintendo Switch Emulators and Prize Draws to Spread Malware Warning Symantec

fake Nintendo Switch emulators


On March 3, 2017, Nintendo released its Nintendo Switch console window, escorting in a novel view in the zone of mobile gaming. But, it seems that the attackers or those people who use inappropriate ways to earn the faster success.

As such the security company Symantec released the alerts regarding the proliferation of the Free Switch emulators, malware and console window competition.

Nintendo Switch Emulators

If you have not gone for the Switch yet, it is possible that you have thought about using the emulator. But before you do so, it is important to note that those which you may have seen are made for a very different reason.

Security professionals are the people who warn you about this software as they can be a cause of spread, especially for capturing your personal data and then spreading it to the criminals for fraud.

Symantec, the developer of the world famous Norton Antivirus, released its findings for the fake Nintendo Switch emulators in a report on March 30, 2017. Showing that it had found videos about the free versions of Nintendo gaming, it had got more than 76,000 reviews.

Fake Websites Spreading Malware

As these videos are concerned, their major preference is to divert user’s attention towards fake sites from the original one through external links. As one site offered Nintendo brand and provided a link for playing The Legend of Zelda on the computer. This can be done through one of the emulators of Nintendo, but it is also of great concern that how this malware may spread. Along with this, sites also offer the opportunity of winning one of the console windows. But, for entering into the competition or for downloading the emulator, a survey is done. And it is at the point that criminals can cash in.

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Don’t Be a Prey

If you are interested in playing any emulated game on your computer, be very careful not to fall prey to this kind of sites. If you are needed to take part in the survey for unlocking an emulator or for getting access to the code, there is a malware behind it. It is advised not to take the risk, do some additional research before installing or downloading any file. Or, remain patient and wait unless any of the local store gets the Nintendo Switch in its stock.

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