Line Messenger App Launches Line Here

Line Here messenger app

Line Here is a new standalone app from Mobile messenger Line. It is a location-sharing service that Line users can use to share their locations in chats. In order to use Line Here app, users need to sign up with a Facebook account to download and start using the messaging app or sign up with their Line ID.

The Line Here messenger app is now available for iOS and Android, in all countries where there is Internet connection. As soon as in the Line Here app, you can craft location sharing rooms that you can share with some other people by sending a URL to them via SMS, Line, or Facebook, which will gear them up to download the Line application. The Line Here app tracks the movements of a user on a map, but it also has an alternative timer for location sharing rooms, just like some of the available location sharing applications, such as Jinx and Glympse.

Each Line Here location-sharing room can accommodate up to 200 people. This implies that only 200 people are allowed in group chats on Popcorn Buzz. Line Here joins the less pertinently mentioned photo app Aillis, Popcorn Buzz, and Line Music (the streaming service in the increasingly large roaster of standalone apps in the company.

In view of the fact that it might look odd for Line to continue creating apps that already have abundance of well-known rivals prior to the time they are released, it is a strategy for the company to attract users and gather data in those countries where it insulates other messaging apps at the back.

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Line Messenger app is still striving to contend with the WhatsApp, Snapchat, KIK, and Facebook Messenger in both Europe and the United States, despite the fact that it is the top messenger in Japan. Line Here helps in diversifying the product of Line and also develop its Line’s brand identification. Furthermore, as it turns its major messaging app a mobile service platform, it can as well help the company identify the type of services to integrate.

Line Here has come to stay and to contend with similar apps including Jink and Glympse. Nevertheless, location-sharing features in Google Maps, WhatsApp, WeChat, Facebook Messenger, iMessage, as well as many other apps.

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