Wuu Social Messaging App Teaches Us to Share Love not Greed!

wuu messenger

Wuu is a new social messaging app that comes from the place of good, and it teaches us to share love, not greed. Although it has been recently released in the App Store, it is high in demand in its beta version. To join the messaging app, you need to have an invite. Those who have already been invited can further invite more people to join the app, and by doing so the limit has already been pushed to 2,000 users.

Given the fact that this is a comparatively new app, the number of users already joined is quite an achievement. This is a good indication for the future of social messaging as Wuu is all about sharing more love through creative expression.

Believe it or not, social media makes us feel more disappointed than happy because someone has more likes than is. Wuu is a new generation social messaging app that hopes to liberate you from this pain.

This app works in a simple way! As soon as you launch the app, you will be able to find feeds on the mobile phone. The feeds will contain texts, videos and photos that are enhanced with bold use of colors and clever filter. These messages are called ‘Wuus’ and they are directly sent to you. You may acknowledge them with a Wuu reply or an Emoji for response.

Wuu Messenger

After a span of 24 hours, the Wuu messages will automatically disappear from the server. Thus, creating a Wuu is as simple as typing a text, adding a few media files to it, choosing colors or filters to further enhances the message. Texts sent through Wuu can be created to make your smile or laugh. At the time of testing, it was found that Wuu messages were a fast and fun way to interact with others and make messages look absolutely wonderful!

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Paul Budnitz is the founder of creative network Ello, which has developed the Wuu messaging app. The interface and aesthetic value of Wuu is different from Snapchat in several ways but they have a lot in common when it comes to lack of statistics and temporal nature.

Wuu messaging app is now live on the App Store, however the access to it will only be invite-only as of now. The app will grow in scale in a controlled manner and hopefully this will bring a kind of revolution in the world of messaging app. Sharing love will be more important than getting more likes!

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