Samsung is thinking to relaunch Samsung Galaxy Note 7 for Sale

samsung galaxy note  relaunch

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is the biggest disaster in the history of Samsung. It was a dark Stain for the brand like Samsung. Galaxy Note 7 was recalled two times. After Recalling Second time, Samsung confirmed that There will be no production and sale of Note 7 more. We think it is really an end of Samsung Galaxy Note 7.

But this also made a problem for Samsung as What should they do that non-recyclable expensive phones. The quantity is in millions which are as garbage in Samsung Warehouse somewhere.

Green space and some other ecological organization were putting pressure on Samsung and asking what would hey do with their non-recyclable Samsung Galaxy Note 7. After their lot of pressure Samsung has decided what will he do with their left Note7 handsets. Samsung decided to extract metal from the handsets in an eco-friendly way which will help atmosphere.

But for some handsets, they are deciding to refurbish it and selling them again in the market.

Samsung doesn’t reveal anything related to this but a deal is leaked by some sources which tell us that this is not a rumor but a real deal. As Samsung don’t reveal anything yet that’s why the price, reselling date and anything else related to this is not disclosed yet.

Components such as Camera models and semiconductors will be detached by some specialized companies and some services which will test their sample for upcoming production purposes. And after detaching that parts, precious metals such as Nickel, gold, Copper and silver will be extracted by Samsung and will be provided to eco-friendly companies.

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As Samsung is not working on it dedicatedly and not revealing anything related to this that’s why we are assuming that there will be no Big launches related to refurbish Samsung Galaxy Note 7. Galaxy S8 is going to be launch and Galaxy Note 8 will be available in the market soon that’s why Samsung don’t want to relaunch its old failure product Galaxy Note 7. But eco-friendly companies are putting pressure on Samsung that’s why Samsung have to do this.

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