iPhone X is predicted to kill Apple’s iPhone

iPhone X

Last Friday, the preorders for Apple’s latest releases, iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus went live, but most of the attention was drawn to the crowning jewel of Apple’s iPhones, iPhone X. Although both the new iPhones, iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus, have amazing features and upgrades when compared to the iPhone models that were released last year since they are more powerful and way faster than any other smart phones out there (including Samsung’s recently released Galaxy Note 8), iPhone X is considered to be the new generation of iPhones that will take over the future of Apple’s smart phones with its new attractive design, and advanced technologies which were never used in any other smart phone before.

While most of the world is eagerly waiting to get their hands-on Apple’s iPhone X and finally get to experience its abilities and the new technologies put into it, some observers of the technology world have released a report predicting that the advanced technology used to make iPhone X so interesting and appealing, is the very same thing that will ultimately kill the entire product line of Apple’s iPhones.

The report predicted that smart phones will be rendered obsolete by new technologies which has already been emerging for quite some time now. These technologies will transform tasks we perform now on the expensive iPhones and Android phones to be performed on other devices which might be worn on the face (rings a bell?), or even on the eyeball directly. Either way, these future devices will not be hand-held as the ones we know today as “phones”.

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Two analysts at UBS have also confirmed that the factor which will play the main role in ending the iPhone line, and smart phones as a kind in general, is the iPhone X’s most famous feature “Face ID”. The analysts wrote that they think Apple is going to be the leader in creating and developing the “Ambient Paradigm” which is described as future where personal devices like smart phones are no longer needed, instead, computing devices will be all around people and they will use technologies similar to the one used in the “Face ID” to identify people, making it useless to have passwords or a device for each individual. The shared computers all around will be able to deal directly with new, wearable devices like headphones or glasses-like device or in any other form.

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