How to use Whatsapp Messenger Voice Calling Feature

whatsapp voice calls

Finally it is here and everywhere to everyone. It came with a bang of course in March. You must have seen or heard it. We are talking about the Whatsapp calling feature. This time we really mean everyone.  Being the most eagerly waited for and anticipated Android feature in a long time has now rolled out everywhere. Better still, with no Whatsapp call invitation required. We are all aware of this Whatsapp call invitation requirement, it is not quite comfortable to use. It is now gone for good.

How to Make Calls with this Whatsapp Voice Calling Feature

Important: Doing rounds is the Whatsapp calling scam. Be warned that there it exists. Read up, beware, be wary, and spread the word to everyone.

Phone icon will be seen at the top of the screen in any non-group chat window As long as you are running at least Whatsapp v2.12.19. Look, it is very simple. Just press that icon to initiate a call. Your call should go off without a hitch as long as you and your friend are both connected to the internet. It is worth noting that calls tab also include a detailed call log.

Or better still, simply open the chat with the person you want to call then tap on the icon in the right hand corner. On the other hand while receiving call you will get a notification of the call depending on your notification settings. When you are on Whatsapp Messenger, regardless of your notification settings, the Whatsapp call will always be shown on the screen. Then the option is yours to either accept, set as a reminder or decline.

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No More Additional Cost When Making Calls!

Having tested the latest version with several phones, we must say every call worked on the first attempt. We have all reasons to smile because it looks as though the wait is finally over and gone forever. Yes, it’s a thing of past, and Whatsapp voice calls are here for each and every one. Whether you are anticipating to make international calls or you are just interested with a live chat with your spouse, Whatsapp is here to serve you the purpose.

Do you have the Whatsapp feature with you? Will you now turn to Whatsapp Messenger as your default dialer? Tell us what you think in the comments below. We do hope you finally got a reason to have one.

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