Deezer vs Spotify

spotify vs deezer

Today, we would be looking at which of the music streaming apps is better between Deezer and Spotify. Let me tell you a bit about these two companies before we kick this off. First off Deezer is a French company which started around 2006 while Spotify is a Swedish company which started around 2008? Deezer is slightly smaller company but has 40 million licensed tracks whereas Spotify, the bigger company actually only has 30 million, and as I have mentioned, Deezer being a smaller company currently have around 6 million paying customers and Spotify with fewer tracks has 30 million paying customers. They’re definitely the big brand name in the market.

Both of these offer really good quality audio up to 320 kilobytes for a second streaming, which isn’t quite a high res audio. But it’s pretty damn good now. Both of these companies offer a free service and purposely make really annoying adverts that are so annoying that it’s actually worth paying just not to hear them, and it’s definitely a good tactic because I ended up actually joining Spotify for the first three months and then forgot to cancel it.

So let’s look at these two interfaces and see how they differ, so on Deezer’s interface and at the top you see the flow now. This is something that makes Deezer really special, because basically what it does is it tracks all of the songs. As you like, and you listen to it would guess what you’d like to listen to next, the only one downside of this is, if you’re playing songs that other people like it ends up in your flow. But the good thing here is: you can actually skip the tracks in the flow and it recognizes that you skip the tracks in flow and actually will take them out of the list without you having to do anything. The other great thing here in Deezer is it categorizes a bunch of stuff, for example, if it’s December and it is coming up to Christmas, Deezer would suggest Christmas songs of different genres which you can just scroll across and look at whatever you like nice and easy. Then you’ve got playlists, which the editors have supposedly chosen for you: so they’re just trying to guess what you’d like to listen to.

There are also categories here, like new hits, you can go to that and see all of the new stuff that’s just being released. You can see the chart. You can see the new releases, you’ve got live radio and you’ve got podcasts, and this is actually something which is really cool. You’ve got a notifications window which gives you some news on. Like new stuff he thinks you might like, so one really cool feature as well that this has – and I really like in comparison to Spotify is let’s say: for example, I like a tracklist as the Bob Marley legend just go back natural mystic. All I need to do is hit the heart next to it and immediately it adds it to my favorites playlist on Spotify. It’s definitely a bit more tricky to do.

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Now, let’s look at Spotify real quick. So, on the Spotify interface, as you can see here at the top, it’s got a bunch of playlists which are made for you supposedly. So if you look at those, you see you’ve got a bunch of songs there, which you’ve liked in recent past. So they no one liked them because you actually hit like and added them to your playlist. Then you’ve got daily mix, one two, three four and five, and then you’ve got old songs that you used to like and weekly discover, which will be songs that you’ve probably never heard, but it thinks you might like and then you’ve got a bunch of other lists there like new releases. You’ve got all of these different categories here I mean more or less is quite similar to Deezer, but it’s just laid out in a different way. At the bottom of the app, you’ve got browse, so you’ve got different sections you can search. Of course, you’ve got radio stations which I think people just make and they put songs in there and library as well.

Now, what you might be wondering is which one is better value for money and to be honest with you, they both cost exactly the same. They pretty much do the same deals. I got Deezer for free because they gave it to me, but you can pick it up for free months, so it’s not too bad. I do like the flow feature because it’s just continuous, with the Spotify it kind of gives you these playlists that it thinks you like, but they’re always limited to a certain amount. So that’s a really great feature for that. For Podcasts Deezer seem a little bit better, but apart from that there really isn’t massive differences. I think the ease of use to create a favorite playlist on these slightly easier as well. So for me, when it comes to using these two side-by-side, I probably lean toward Deezer and if you’re using Spotify right now, maybe suspend your subscription, try out Deezer and see if it’s better because it might just be, it really depends on you, but anyway that’s my quick comparison of Deezer versus Spotify check out both of these. I like both of them. If you’re looking for high res audio streaming though you probably want to look at Tidal.

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