Snapchat Spectacles are the glasses that connect to the Snapchat App

SNAPCHAT spectacles

Snapchat Inc has taken its love of technology into the real world. They have created Snapchat Spectacles. Snapchat Spectacles are physical glasses that can connect to the Snapchat smartphone app and be used to take snaps that can be shared with friends.

The spectacles come in three colors: red, blue, and black. Included inside of the case with the spectacles is a charging case, a USB charging cord, and a unique ghost shaped cleaning cloth. When the glasses are fully charged, they can take 100 ten-second snaps before the battery runs out. The spectacles are compatible with Android and Ios devices.  The spectacles connect to your Snapchat app via Bluetooth or Wi-fi so that users can have a choice of how to connect.

The built-in camera can record both photo and video snaps. The snaps can last from 10 seconds to 30 seconds, depending on how many times the user taps the record button- one tap for 20 seconds, two taps for 20 seconds, and taps for 30 seconds.

The spectacles have built-in LED lights to use as notifications, as well. When the battery is low, 1 LED light will flash 5 times. When the spectacles’ storage is full, 5 LED lights will flash 3 times. To notify users of updates, 2 LED lights will flash 3 times. These flashing notifications are helpful, if users know what each set of flashes mean. Knowing the difference between LED flashing to signal a full memory card, and the flashes that signal a dying battery can mean the difference between getting one more great snap or missing it completely.

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Currently, there is only one place to buy spectacles – New York City. More specifically, vending machines in NYC. However, additional retail points are to be announced on the website. These fancy glasses will cost users around $130 per pair, and come with a one year warranty.

There has been debate around the glasses. Are they worth the money or are they ridiculous? There are supporters on both sides of the debate, and both sides have good reasons for taking their stance.

For public figures, these glasses can enhance their snapping experience. After all, they have the money to buy them, and the meansof which to make them cool. On the side that says they are a waste of money, there is the big reason that is price. Many people don’t and can’t spend $130 on Snapchat glasses that can do the same as their Snapchat app… so why bother buying them?

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